...and then higher

By Maggie Love  Pitman Training London EC2



...or is your best achievement yet to come? Well, since you are reading this and presumably still breathing, you are definitely not past your sell by date. You can only go higher…and higher.

If your job title is Secretary or PA, you have already expanded the boundaries of these roles well beyond the job descriptions. You are probably performing more complex conjuring tricks to make things work in the workplace.

Advances in technology and mobile communications have totally changed expectations, work styles, communication requirements and perceptions of deadlines and distance. The pace of work, speed of exchange of information, time zones and globalisation, complexity and accountability all pose strong challenges. Your role has completely changed. So have other people’s expectations of you.

There is a greater requirement than ever before to think ahead, be proactive and do whatever it takes to get the job done. Not only do you need fantastic practical skills but also higher and higher intellectual ones. Decision-making, judgment, communication, ability to grasp new information and specialist business knowledge are all essential.

To all intents and purposes the titles of Secretary and PA are being dumped in the Out-tray. You are already an Executive Assistant in all but name. Soon you will be moving to management and specialist roles directing projects, introducing systems or office management. Secretaries and PAs are making moves NOW into fields such as HR, IT, Marketing, Data Management, PR, Communications, Training and Web Design – and their own businesses.

“People who make a successful transition don’t just sit and wait for it to happen, says Lisa Martin from Pitman Training. “ They make their own luck. So aim high, set your goal, learn from others and plan each career move.”

Moving up the career ladder takes hard work and dedication but it is absorbing, stimulating and extremely rewarding. Nothing succeeds like success.


Call us on ( 020 7256 668

Pitman Training Centres, London City or Oxford Circus



  1. Decide on your ultimate goal and break it into a few manageable milestones

  2. Set realistic timescales for reaching each milestone

  3. Look for a great role model in the organisation and observe how they behave

  4. Dress and behave immediately for the next step up

  5. Conduct a self-review - ask your boss, colleagues, mentors and customers for feedback on your skills and how you behave

  6. Set up your own Learning & Development programme

  7. Use every learning method – books, online research, observe others, pick brains and go on training courses

  8. Let your boss know what you are aiming for and progress check with him/her regularly

  9. Put your learning and new skills into practice daily

  10. Above all look at your goals and milestones weekly

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