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IT Technical Training


Our technical courseware has been developed to suit all students of varying knowledge and IT understanding.

The aim of our courses is to allow anyone to learn or develop new IT skills that will be applicable to real work situations and enable them to improve their earning potential.

The really good thing is that you can do these courses from anywhere on the planet provided that you have a computer and an Internet connection.

It really is a very straight forward system designed for those who already have a good grasp on the computer environment yet wish to improve their skills base for new challenges.

Call us now to arrange a demonstration or follow the links below to browse through these pages to find out more yourself.



             CompTIA A+    

CompTIA Network


2003 Server

2003 Network








Pitman Training Centres  London City (Bank) and Oxford Circus
City:  ( 020 7256 6668   Oxford Circus: ( 020 7580 1651